Referral And Response Team

Safeguarding And Child Protection

Contact Details

01302 737777
Mary Woollett Centre,
Danum Road,
Doncaster,DN4 5HF

Service Description

Service Description:
Who to contact if you have concern about a child

Some people know us as the referral and response team and others as the assessment and child protection service but whatever you know us by we deliver the same thing.

We work together with Children and their Families and undertake assessments to identify if any support is required, or if there is any risks which may impact on a Child’s welfare. We will engage children, their carer’s and families in such way to clearly understand their circumstances, wishes and feelings, and identify any actions focussed on the best interests of the child. We work with families and create a plan to address any issues identified for children and their parents / carers.

We work alongside other agencies providing Social Care advice and support. We aim to ensure all children are safe, and their needs are met within the family. We work with children and young people 0 – 18 years old.

Tel: 01302 737777 (available 8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday)

Tel: 01302 796000 (outside office hours)

Availability & Costs

Open All Year