Provider Information
Address:Danum Daisies Daycare, The Bungalow, Grove Avenue, Doncaster, DN5 9BE
Ofsted Reference:EY479055
Ofsted Inspection Report: Contact Number:01302 953810
Alternative Contact Number:07905 178722
About The Setting
Provider Information:
Our mission statement at Danum Daisies is "Our aim is to be the friendliest, loving, most caring home from home nursery in our local area". We have 3 rooms with a good sized outdoor area for learning and play. Our seedlings room is for our 0-2 year olds where we can have a maximum of 6 children at any one time. We then have our Petals room for our 2 - 3 year olds where we can have up to 12 children. Then we have our Daisies room which is for our 3-5 year olds where we can have up to 24 at any one time. All 3 of these rooms are open for the following sessions: AM - 8am until 1pm, PM - 1.05pm until 6.05pm or FULL DAY - 8am until 6.05pm. The 3 rooms flow from one to another to support transition when moving up to the next room. All of our permanent staff are qualified to a minimum of level 3 or working towards with a wide range of knowledge and experience from safeguarding to SEN. We strongly believe we are an inclusive setting providing care and support for our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. In addition to this, we have gained further awards for the nursery to acknowledge our dedication of being inclusive. These awards include the IQM 'Inclusion Quality Mark' and also the Portage National stamp of approval. These are both accredited awards. We have a 5* food hygiene rating and all meals are prepared and cooked in our homely kitchen