Blossom Grove Childcare Ltd

Day Nursery

Provider Information

Ofsted Reference:
Contact Number:
Alternative Contact Number:

About The Setting

Provider Information:
We are an early years setting and wrap around care/holiday club that is based in Cantley, Doncaster. We provide early years care from 6 months to 4 years and we then provide wrap around care for our families when they start school. We are registerd to deliver early years funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. We have a spacious homely environment and we loved to also get out and about in our community. Our wrap around care picks up from Bessacarr Primary school, Hatchell Wood and Willow Primary school. Our school holiday club cares for children all over the borough. Our sessions are 9-3 but we offer wrap around care from 7:30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Our staff are all highly trained and are paediatric first aid trained, complete annual safeguarding training and complete numerous relevant courses for caring for children in the early years throughout the year.


Open All Year
Daily Session Times:
  • Monday: 07:30 - 18:00
  • Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00
  • Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00
  • Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
  • Friday: 07:30 - 18:00
Immediate Vacancies?:
  • £6.00 per hour
  • £65.00 per day
  • £0.00 per week
  • £0.00 per term
  • £0.00 per session
Delivers 9 months-2 year old funding:
Delivers 2 year old funding:
Delivers 3 and 4 year old funding:

Pick Up / Drop Off

Schools Drop off and Collections:
  • Willow Primary School: AM + PM
  • Bessacarr Primary School: PM
  • Hatchell Wood Primary Academy: AM + PM
  • Willow Academy: AM + PM

Special Educational Needs / Disability Experience

Special Needs Area of Experience:
Local Offer (SEND):
Our nursery offers a fully inclusive service where all our learning is through play and is tailored to all children''s individual needs. We have a trained and experienced Special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) who builds up strong links with parents and families to support children''s needs. We have staff trained in many specialist areas, such as epilepsy, makaton and autism. We have strong partnerships with other specialist services who may be working with your child.


Languages Spoken:
  • English
Areas Covered:
  • Bessacarr
  • Cantley
Last Updated: